The Building of A Brand

Welcome to my blog! I thought it was time that I start sharing my experiences and my testimony a little every week as my family and I go about turning Sophie Grace Maui into something that we can leave to the next generation. I will post new designs and future events of course. But what I hope this blog accomplishes is something a little more personal for those who read it. This is my story of being a Mom, a wife, a business owner and failing to do it all but learning and loving along the way.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Life Lessons

Things that Sophie has taught me...

1. You only need a few words to get through life. NO, Please, Thank you, NO, Hey, More, Ouch, NO, Nice, Milk, Banana, NO. If you've got those down you can really navigate just fine.

2. Nothing starts the day better than Cheerios, Sesame Street and Dad's favorite chair.

3. A Binki (pacifier) dipped in Peanut Butter cures all.

4. Two of anything is always better than one.

5. Don't ever leave anybody behind-even in it's one of 17 stuffed animals and you're only going from the bed to the couch.

6. There is nothing more fun than being naked and running from your mother.

7. Pajamas are for the birds.

8. Ants really are fascinating.

9. You don't need music to dance.

10. Grandma is the funnest person of all.

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